Originial Rough

Refining and experimenting with color and texture

Painted original

Scanned and manipulated version of original color scheme

One color palette

Final still

This animation is the final result of an editorial illustration assignment pertaining to articles about global warming and the impact of reducing the consumption of animals products as well as planting more trees. The goal was to express a tone of optimism and compel the reader to dive into the web articles. The key elements of the message were revolving around a vegan diet and an effort in planting trees and I wanted to explore a fun but simple conceptual approach. Playing with scale and working in an expressive style with bright colors kept this piece positive, however I felt that the initial color scheme was slightly foreboding in tone which and was not working. With some manipulation I arrived at a color palette that could provide a clear read of the illustrative elements but also feel light and positive. Animating the piece not only increases interest for the viewer but also effectively tells the story and successfully signifies the overshadowing of animal products by a plant-based diet.